Mindfulness,  Motivation

Your Positive Thought Goal for the Week: “I Can.”

Let’s start the week off with a positive thought goal: “I can.”

“I can.”

Such a simple statement consisting of only two words, yet it has so much power behind it because it can completely change your train of thought by taking you from a negative mindset to a positive one.

Whatever it is that has you doubting yourself and telling yourself you can’t… yes, you can. We often have limiting beliefs that creep in and make us doubt ourselves. It happens. And typically we’ve told ourselves “I can’t” before we’ve even tried.

“I can’t learn this.”

“I can’t do that.”

“I’ll never be able to…” – this is a variation of “I can’t.”

The doubt creeps in and completely shuts us down from really giving the situation a fair chance. But we can change that by learning to recognize the negative thoughts and work on turning them into positive ones.

Quote from Henry Ford: "Whether you think you can, or you think your can't - you're right!"

So this week let’s work on positive thinking with a goal of using the statement “I can.” You can follow that up with any additional words you want that applies to your specific situation, or you can simply stick to just the two words: “I can.” Whatever works best for you in the moment, that’s what you use.

Your mind is always listening to the thoughts that go through it, so it’s important to reinforce positive thoughts rather than negative ones.

It’s not just about how you think, it’s also about how you feel. Because your thoughts affect how you are feeling. So when you start thinking negatively, you start feeling bad, and when you are feeling bad, you start thinking negatively. It becomes a nasty cycle.

The good news is that it works the same way with positive thoughts. When you have a positive thought, you will start to feel good, and when you feel good, you will typically keep up with the positive thinking.

Whether you think them quietly, shout them out loud or any mix of the two, make these positive thoughts to yourself happen consistently. Say “I can” 50 times a day. It may sound or feel silly at first, and that’s ok. But realize it’s not just a one and done kind of deal. This needs to be a consistent effort to make the change in the way you think.

It does take effort and it is absolutely worth it.

As you begin to be more mindful of the thoughts that go through your head, you’ll get better at being able to catch yourself when you start down a negative spiral. Once you do catch yourself in a negative thought, immediately stop it and change it to the positive version.

The more you practice this, the better you will get at catching and redirecting your thoughts.

And again, repeat that positive thought to yourself as much as you need to. Shout it at the top of your lungs if you have to. The more you repeat it, the more you will change how you are thinking and how you are feeling. It makes a difference.  

Honestly, you don’t even have to be in a negative mindset to use a positive thought. Just think it.

Just because.

Because you don’t need a reason to have positive thoughts. So let loose with the positivity and see how much you can change things up.

When I make the statement “I can” to myself, it brings a smile to my face because my mind starts filling in all the amazing possibilities of things that can go along with that statement. I can. And so can you.

Say it with me now:

I can.

I can.


And I believe in YOU!

Now go out and rock your week. Because you can!

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