Celebrate all the positive things you have going on in life. And celebrate the amazing being that is you!
Mindfulness,  Lifestyle

Take 5 Minutes to Celebrate the Positive

Happy New Year, Everyone!

Hope your week is off to a great start! A theme I’m focusing on for this week is to take a moment to celebrate the positives in my life. This is something that, in my opinion, people need to do more of. And it’s not something that has to take a lot of time or effort, but it can help reset or rebalance our perspective on the things that we have going on in our lives.

So take 5 minutes to pause and reflect this week on all of the things that you have to celebrate in your life.

These things can be anything: loving family, awesome friends, a great job, a home that is your sanctuary, fuzzy little balls of love (aka pets or furbabies 😊), children that keep you on your toes, gas in your car, a beautiful sunrise you saw this morning, a new yoga pose you recently mastered…

I think you get the point.

Anything and everything in your life that makes you smile, no matter how big or small, celebrate it!

And don’t limit your celebration to just those things that are currently in your life, but extend it to the things you are working towards. Maybe you’re building a healthier lifestyle, working on changing your mindset, saving up to buy your first home, moving to a new area that excites you.. whatever it is you are working on to bring positives changes into your life – celebrate those things, too.

Contrary to what many people think, you don’t have to wait until you’ve reached the final goal before you celebrate. You can, and should, absolutely celebrate the small milestones you achieve along the way.

While it’s totally up to you what you choose to celebrate, keep in mind we all have things that we can be grateful for. That we’re happy to have going on in our lives. And they don’t have to be anything huge.

Too often, we find ourselves overwhelmed and only focusing on the negative things that are happening.

Things that aren’t going right.

It’s so easy to get caught up to where all of our focus is solely on the negatives. Unfortunately, this can drag down our energy, it can make us feel like situations are far more dire than they actually are, and it can really lead to an overall negative mentality.

Now look, I’m not telling you to ignore the negative things you may have going on in your life right now, or that they don’t matter or you shouldn’t care. That’s not what they post is about.

While those things absolutely deserve attention in order to be resolved and yes, it’s ok to feel crummy while you’re dealing with them, we don’t want all of our energy to be focused just on the negatives. It’s important that we also give time and energy to the positive aspects of our lives.

So, I want you to find some time this week where you can sit, relax, be still, and reflect on all things that are going right. And celebrate those. Do this as many times as you want or need to, especially if you find yourself going down a negative spiral.

And while you’re celebrating all of these wonderful things you have going on in your life, don’t forget the most important thing to celebrate: yourself. Yes, that’s right. You, yourself, are worth celebrating.

Celebrate the wonderful, amazing, intelligent, beautiful being that is you.

Because there is nobody else like you in this world, and you deserve to be celebrated just for who you are.

Have a great week!

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